BBC Documentary Row Screeing In Osmania Universty Brs Student Wing Members Detained

BBC Documentary Row Screeing In Osmania Universty Brs Student Wing Members Detained

BBC Documentary Screening: The controversy started over the BBC documentary is not taking its name to stop. Now the student wing of the Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS) in Hyderabad tried to screen the BBC documentary, after which the police detained several activists.

On Wednesday (February 1), activists of the BRS student union gathered at the campus of the Arts College of Osmania University for the screening of a BBC documentary. During this, on getting the information, the police reached the spot and the screening was stopped. Later, the police arrested the screening students and took them to the Osmania University police station.

Center imposed ban on documentary
The BBC recently interviewed the Prime Minister on the 2002 riots. Narendra Modi A documentary was telecast about the role of The Government of India had banned this documentary calling it propaganda. Since then various political parties and organizations have tried to air the documentary.

Before the Hyderabad incident, Congress and BJP workers came face to face during the screening of the documentary in Nagapattinam, Tamil Nadu on Monday and there was a lot of ruckus. Policemen had to be deployed to prevent any untoward incident in the area.

Questions raised on BBC
Amidst the controversy over the documentary, questions are also being raised on BBC. BJP MP and senior advocate Mahesh Jethmalani alleged that BBC is in dire need of money. He said that BBC is taking money through Huawei linked to China. Jethmalani asked. “Why is BBC so anti-India? Because it desperately needs to take money from China’s state-backed company Huawei to further its agenda. This is a cash deal for a simple propaganda. The BBC is up for sale.”

Russia has also condemned the controversial documentary. Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said, “This is yet another evidence of the BBC waging an information war on various fronts – not only against Russia, but also against other global centers of power that are pursuing an independent policy.” .”

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